Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

I can't believe I haven't posted since before Christmas. How did that happen? Time seems to be compressing lately. Today, however, was so special I want to remember it.

My class watched the inauguration today on live streaming video. This is the first president who looks like them, who appears to understand the life they live. It helps that he is young, good looking, and has children approximately their age. They are enchanted with Barack Obama. They cheered parts of his speech - yeah, they actually listened to it. At least most of them did. They seem to understand the importance of the moment. I hope they will remember it when they are my age.

My own memories of things presidential are not as uplifting. I remember when John Kennedy was elected but I also remember when he was assassinated. I remember watching the Watergate scandal unfold during my first year of college. I saw Reagan shot and Clinton impeached. I want to replace all those negative images with the picture of Barack Obama walking down Pennsylvania Avenue on his way to the White House after his swearing in ceremony. He's like a rock star president. The multi-racial, language challenged, marginalized fifth graders of room 20 and I wish him great good luck.