Sunday, November 29, 2009

I AM A WINNER!!!!!!!

Final word count for this year's Nanowrimo: 52,617 words. Thirty days, one novel. I am amazed by how quickly those pesky novel characters took over the writing and told their own story. This is the first year I have been a winner. Two years ago I wrote until I got bogged down with the boring details of a regular life. This time I had a chance to work on the final twenty thousand words this weekend. Amazing that the story I was telling took almost exactly 50,000 words to tell. I can't decide if that's because I fudged it up or down, or if it's just how long the story was supposed to take.

Yes, yes. I'll be resting on my laurels for a while. Then I have to start editing as I am seriously considering trying to get this one published. It turned out pretty good, I think. I'm going to have Kimmi read it for a second opinion about that. It's hard to judge your own work.

Well cheers to all of you out there who didn't spend the last 30 days writing a novel. It feels really good to be finished. Sort of like not having a bus parked on your foot anymore. ;)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Back from Logan - AGAIN

I seem to spend a great deal of time lately traveling up and down I-15 between here and Logan. Anna is hanging in there as she feeds her kitty soft food every hour and a half. We got in some time for a meal and shopping, though. It will be good to have her here for Thanksgiving. She needs a break.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Goodbye and Hello

Anna is on terminal watch for her dear kitty, Rosy. She so wanted a kitten back when she was 10 that she called the pet store herself to make sure the cat people would be there, then dragged us over to help her pick one out. She pointed to Rosy and said, "That one," and the rest is history. Rosy has been a wonderful addition to our family and I missed her when she went to live with Anna full time. She's 14 now and we'll miss her when she's gone.

On the lighter side, we got a call from Guide Dogs about a puppy we raised. Many of you (are there even many of you who read this?) will remember Calliope was a cute little black lab puppy we had for nearly a year back in about 2005. She went on to another raiser for the last couple of months and then back to Guide Dogs where she was placed with a woman in California. We thought we would hear nothing more about her. But just after her placement she became big news when she saved a life by alerting her owner to someone in distress in the next apartment. Now her owner is in poor health and we got word Calliope is being retired. They wanted to know if we would like her back as a pet. You bet we would. Andrew and Sean are going to take her to their new house. Meanwhile she'll be hanging out at the Welfyhouse getting used to snow again.