Friday, January 11, 2019


Yeah, like I kept that promise to post often during our transition to our new state.  Well, there's stuff to write about and I intend to do that once in a while.  Reading back through these posting made me realize how little I really recall of past events.  And now I have so many reasons to remember.  So without further ado, here are the ten most important things that have happened since I posted 2 1/2 years ago...

10.  Mike is finally considering surgery for his knees.  They're bothering him more and more and the truth is, he really can't walk far any longer.  He'll tell you he can, then sit down every chance he gets.  So...
9.  We are able to live comfortably on the money we get each month.  That was a concern going into retirement.  But we appear to be doing ok.  Woot!
8.  Surprisingly, we miss nearly nothing from our previous life in Utah.  Only having the whole family so close together, and that was about to end anyway.
7.  Lucas is doing amazingly well at Yale.  Yes, that Yale.  Though I doubt there's a person in my extended acquaintance that doesn't know he's going there.  I can't seem to stop saying it - Yes, my son is working on a doctorate in computer science at Yale... (can you really blame me?)
6.  Sean and Chris are married, happy, and contemplating a family.  What a relief that they found each other and are doing so well.
5.  Kimmi has a job, a real, important, useful job.  She's working for a professor in green biochemistry at Yale.
4.  Our new neighborhood is a hotbed of senior partying.  We have both made good friends here and have all the social life we could want.  LOVE our neighbors.
3.  I'm working on Marianne and it looks as if she might possibly move up here when she retires.  It also looks as if she actually will retire someday.  Maybe this next summer?
2.  Anna and Taylor have moved to Beaverton which is exactly 1 hour 6 minutes from our house.  They stayed a few months with us while they found a house, and now they're all settled in their new place and loving it.
1.  And this happened - I'm a granny!  This little bug was born December 17, 2017.  He's the apple of everyone's eye right now and you can see why.  He's amazing.
So many other fun things and I wish I had written about each one.  But this will do for now.  Cheers!