Sunday, April 25, 2010

Big Ugly Changes

Check out this article:
Our ever-popular (not really) superintendent decided to take the money.  It's always about the money, isn't it?  Anyway, they chose four schools to reconstitute and ours was one of them.  I'm not sure if I've calmed down enough to actually write what I'm thinking about this turn of events.  For years we have said, "If only we had the funding we could make so many important changes."  Things like a longer school day or more days of school were out of reach for us, and yet they could make so much impact in catching our students up to their peers. 

So now the federal government is willing to give us money - lots of money.  Enough money to really make those types of changes.  But not with the teachers currently working so hard to make these kids' lives better.  Nope.  Half of us will be asked to leave because apparently we don't have the vision or the dedication, or the whatever, to do the job.  It really feels like a slap in the face.  I can't think of a faculty I've EVER worked with that has done more professional development, has worked harder to develop a learning community, or to support students and parents than are at my present school.  What a shame that every underperforming school is painted with the same brush.  Sucks to be us right now.

1 comment:

April Celeste Garff said...

Wow. How can they really think teachers are the problem? It certainly couldn't be the fact that the superintendent is just looking for a scapegoat to save his own job...or could it?