Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gettin' Beat Up

I had to go have my pacemaker repositioned.  It was sticking out in an uncomfortable manner and caught on various things including my bra strap.  The doc was afraid it would erode the skin.  I was afraid I'd just pull the dang thing out one day while reaching for a bowl in a cupboard.  So it had to be re-placed.  That's as opposed to "replaced."  So now it's under some muscle and much less apt to catch on things.  Unfortunately I'm a little bruised and battered.  I'll be off work until Monday.  I'm grateful for it to be over, but dang - I didn't want to do it over this quickly.  I knew I'd have to have the thing messed with after 5 or 7 years.  Ah well. Done now and I'm on the mend.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I feel bad I just read that post. I hope you are feeling better. It sounds painful.