Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Welcome to Welfyville, where everyone is pretty ... welfy.

I'll be posting photos and more about the Welfy clan. But right now, I have to go help Welfybomb pick out her very first car - a 1998 Toyota Corolla. It's lavender with a pretty tan interior. Photos later!

Meanwhile, a photo of the Welfys on their latest adventure to Philadelphia.


Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading your blog. :)

Stine said...

Welcome to Blogland! It is so fun here! Can't wait to read more.

Katrina said...

Thank you for sending me your blog.
Love the photo - send more!

Welfymom said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by.

Andrea said...

You are officially internet savvy! It's fun seeing one of your pictures from Phili. What a great city and fun vacation!